Chillin’ in the Freeza

Aww yeah. Stiens in the freezer, ready to hold an ice-cold brew.

ringzero is hb’s company; hb originally informed me about cafepress, which can do custom logo trinkets on onesy-twosy items. I wish this place existed while I was in my frat back at MIT; would have been useful for parties and rush.

Arrr, a southpaw’s beerstien with me company logo on it. Yeah! and in perfect time for the summer BBQ season!

4 Responses to “Chillin’ in the Freeza”

  1. Karin says:

    Heh…anyone ordered the thong yet? ;)

    What, no kids’ clothing? I’d be happy to have my girls advertise for you!

  2. bunnie says:

    Hahah! Well, it looks like there’s been one order for the thong, but I can’t say who it was :)

    Cafepress is great. I added some baby’s clothing. So easy! takes thirty seconds. I have to hand it to them, I think these guys have met a market niche with a good, user-friendly solution.

  3. Karin says:

    Hey…check out the bunniestudios babes! ;)

  4. Katia says:

    Great post! I have only been blogging for a couple of months and your article here really has helped!