Winner of Name that Ware April 2006!

Again, people aced this ware left and right. tmbinc somehow managed to post a near-instantaneous response that was 100% correct, but since he won last time, I decided to give someone else a chance. So, Julian Calaby, you are the winner of Name that Ware April 2006, since you got both answers correct in the same post, and you had a fair bit of analysis too! Thanks for playing. email me to claim your prize (and if I’m not mistaken, I still owe tmbinc a prize, too). Unfortunately, aqua, I could not generate a hash collision for your answer, so to this point I don’t know what it is!

The correct answer for the two wares is a Nokia 770 for “ware 1” and a GP2X for “ware 2”. I was surprised at how quickly people got the Nokia 770, since I figured it was a bit more obscure than the GP2X. I’m always impressed at the extreme level of engineering that goes into these portable products–it’s hard enough for me to get my screw holes to line up on my boards to the stand-offs in the case, and yet these guys manage to some how Tetris these devices into complex 3-D housings and it all snaps together beautifully. It’s always a great learning experience taking these apart and observing the techniques and component choices that good engineers use in making these products.

One Response to “Winner of Name that Ware April 2006!”

  1. Julian Calaby says:


    I seem to have missed your email – and I cannot find your email address on this site. =) . (Hotmail’s overactive spam filters probably ate it – “Mmmm legitimate email … *tasty!!!*”)

    I feel undeserving of a prize as I didn’t do any *real* analysis of the wares presented and cribbed off tmbinc for my answers. The height of analysis for my answers was popping the battery out of my phone and going *ahh!*.

    Anyway, it would probably be diffcult for you to send me one as I live in Australia. =)

    Anyway, if you do wish to send me a prize, I have a GMail account with the name being identical to my full name above, apart from a small case of s/ /./ (and all in lower case.) (Yeah, I am nervous about posting my email address out on the net)

    Anyway, thanks!

    Julian Calaby