Name that Ware November 2011

The Ware for November 2011 is shown below. Click on the image for a much larger version.

To give a sense for the ware’s size, here’s a shot of the business end with my hand as a scale reference.

Have fun!

16 Responses to “Name that Ware November 2011”

  1. av500 says:

    it’s an intertube!

  2. plum33 says:

    Some kind of x-ray tube ?

  3. Tux says:

    Is it a rectifier?

  4. plum33 says:

    It’s JAN-CWL-861 transmitter tube. Uranium glass elements look great.

  5. J. Peterson says:

    Looks like a Westinghouse 861 Power Tetrode. Rated at 400 W plate dissipation max, plate input 1200 W(!) max. Filament takes 110 watts.

    (OK, I’m not a tube guru, but couldn’t resist spending a few minutes with Google…)

  6. Shae Erisson says:

    At first glance I thought this might be a mercury vapor rectifier, but no, it is in fact a JAN-CWL-861 tube, as plum33 described.

  7. seph says:

    Yep. What plum33 said. Other interesting visible features are that the ceramics visible are mentioned in

  8. f4grx says:

    this is the whole beast:

    I would have guessed a high power RF triode from a radio station, congrats for the precision!

  9. fruitfly says:

    This is a very old High Power Vacuum Tube . Type Jan CWL 861 VT 19. It is dated 1944 and is an American AM Transmitter Tube. It is about 18″ tall and the round bulb part is about 7″ in diameter. Made by Westinghouse.

  10. Sanjay says:

    Lovely photograph. Its rare to find high resolution photos of old tubes, even less one in which the grid is so beautifully visible. This one is going to be my wallpaper for the next few weeks.

  11. Sanjay says:

    Why does the grid extend so far out of the anode ?

  12. Joe R. says:

    I love vacuum tubes, they are engineering art.

  13. Dan G. says:

    It is a Klystron Magnetron Tube.

  14. Sanjay says:

    WHOA! Bunnie, the last 12 comments are link spam! (name links to site)

  15. 33bowls says:

    It’s a Klein Bottle.