Winner, Name that Ware May 2016

The Ware for May 2016 was guessed within the hour of posting — it’s an Antminer S1 (v1.4 mainboards) from BitMainTech.

Tracing through the rapid-fire guesses and picking a winner was a bit of a convoluted process. Based on my primary criteria of awarding to the first person to home in on a make/model of a ware, the winner is Wouter’s post at 10:15PM (congrats, btw email me for your prize).

However, if make/model isn’t guessed, I’d go with an alternate criteria of thoughtful analysis, which would give the prize to Richard Ames’ conclusion that it’s a cryptocurrency compute module posted at 10:06PM. However, even that decision is contracted by 0x3d’s post at 9:53PM, earlier than all the rest, that this is an ASIC cryptocoin miner — no make/model, but still the correct genre.

Also, in response to Richard Ames’ question: HDB = Housing Development Board. It’s the colloquial term in Singapore for public housing, after the government agency in charge of managing public housing.

5 Responses to “Winner, Name that Ware May 2016”

  1. 0x3d says:

    Can’t the prize be split in three or would that break it? ;)

    • bunnie says:

      Unfortunately physical objects are less useful cut in three :)

      • Richard says:

        I hope you can help me maybe?
        I really liked your Xbox tear down… I know this post is in the completely wrong place but i wanted to ask you seeing as you have a Phd in computing.

        I am trying to snarf my tv firmware. It has an Ethernet port but its not a smart tv. there are a number of ports open but i have been unable to connect into any of them. It also has a usb port and is able to receive a new flash file from there so do you know if I would be able to connect some sort of data lead from the usb of the tv to the usb of my pc to then probe the different registers

        Any way hope To hear from you soon :-)

      • http://www./ says:

        ja ich glaub Katzen würden nicht so glücklich sein einen Pulli zu tragen, brauchen sie wohl auch nicht, die halten Kälte j besser aus :)@ :) danke! Ja, Trend hin oder her, meiner (ist ein Bub) braucht im Winter draußen unbedingt einen Pulli, sonst erfriert er mir. Er hat nur 1,4 Kilo und sein Bauchi ist ja fast nackt :)

  2. Ashley says:

    Thanks for it Bunnie.