Looking for Summer Internship in Hardware Hacking?

Tim Ansell (mithro), who has been giving me invaluable advice and support on the NeTV2 project, just had his HDMI (plaintext) video capture project accepted into the Google Summer of Code. This summer, he’s looking for university students who have an interest in learning FPGAs, hacking on video, or designing circuits. To learn more you can check out his post at hdmi2usb.tv.

I’ve learned a lot working with Tim. I also respect his work ethic and he is a steadfast contributor to the open source community. This would be an excellent summer opportunity for any student interested in system-level hardware hacking!

Please note: application deadline is April 3 16:00 UTC.

2 Responses to “Looking for Summer Internship in Hardware Hacking?”

  1. Thanks for the kind words Bunnie! Its awesome to be looking at NeTV2 stuff as the NeTV was one of the original inspirations of the HDMI2USB hardware.

    I’d encourage any student that is excited about FPGAs, video or embedded C to come and talk to the community! As I try to explain in my 33C3 talk on HDMI, these things are not as scary or complicated as they first seem. We try and be as newbie friendly as we can.

  2. Neats says:

    Not physically but really want to share my experience to contribute for this cause.
    As well I want to learn more.
