The ware for December 2024 is shown below.

This one should be a cakewalk, and I’m mostly sharing it because I had trouble searching for a recent example at an image quality sufficient to make out most of the part numbers. Maybe this can help someone else in a similar fix!
Warm wishes for a safe and happy new year to all!
well that’s an LED matrix, the kind that big LED video displays are made from. This kind uses the HUB-75E wiring / serial streaming flavour
well, you were too fast :o) totally agree, must be an LED tile for a video wall.
This one probably:×64-pixels-adjustable-brightness-5906623427178.html
Oooo good call on the pitch. Kinda feel I ought to have narrowed down the kind of tile a bit better, given the ubiquity of the things… will have to see whether the adjudicator feels my response was too broad
Yeah, the layout gives away that it’s intended to daisy chain and the heap of ICN2037 constant current LED drivers seals the deal.
Agree that it’s the board from an LED matrix as used in shops around here. I found one in the street a few years ago and got it going with an arduino.
“HUB75E” gave it away instantly, its some kind of standard for 64×64 led panels. Cheap hackable FPGA controllers have same connectors and some form of 75/75E print on them
The amount of plane stitching on this board is surprising :o looks like some fancy audiophile gear.
Its a waveshare RGB Matrix display×64.htm