Name that Ware, December 2024

The ware for December 2024 is shown below.

This one should be a cakewalk, and I’m mostly sharing it because I had trouble searching for a recent example at an image quality sufficient to make out most of the part numbers. Maybe this can help someone else in a similar fix!

Warm wishes for a safe and happy new year to all!

7 Responses to “Name that Ware, December 2024”

  1. h says:

    well that’s an LED matrix, the kind that big LED video displays are made from. This kind uses the HUB-75E wiring / serial streaming flavour

  2. Bryan says:

    Agree that it’s the board from an LED matrix as used in shops around here. I found one in the street a few years ago and got it going with an arduino.

  3. rasz_pl says:

    “HUB75E” gave it away instantly, its some kind of standard for 64×64 led panels. Cheap hackable FPGA controllers have same connectors and some form of 75/75E print on them

    The amount of plane stitching on this board is surprising :o looks like some fancy audiophile gear.

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