The Ware for November, 2005, is shown below. Click on the image for a much larger view.

While on my travels in Japan, I picked up a new camera, a Sony Cybershot T9 (japanese site / english preview). For the record, all of the photos on this website are shot with a Cybershot DSC-V1, a 5 megapixel camera with excellent optics and a night-shot feature.
I scored a Cybershot T9 at Akihabara on its Japanese introduction date (11/18/05); you can’t get it in the US until January 20th, 2006. The released model has only Japanese menus, so you have to be able to read Japanese to use it. The T9 is a 6-megapixel super-slim camera, also touting Carl Zeiss optics. Its best features are a very quick startup, rapid fire shots, portability, good battery life, and “Super Steady Shot”, Sony’s anti-shake DSP technology that allows you to take pictures in low light conditions and no flash and not have them be totally blurry. If you check out the blog entry below about Hong Kong and Japan, most of the Japan photos were taken with the T-9, and the Hong Kong photos with the V-1 (click on the links to see the photos, I use hyperlinks to save on bandwidth). The T-9 is a great camera for every day use, but I’ll have to say, I’m sticking with the old Cybershot DSC-V1 for the photos on this website. Despite its lower pixel count, the V-1’s superior optics (and I think superior image sensor/analog circuitry) yields crisper, more readable pictures.
For comparison, you can download the above hi-resolution photo taken by the T-9 with and without super steady shot enabled (you can see that super steady shot causes blurring of fine details, even though I have found it very effective in reducing macroscopic blur).
For those who prefer a side-by-side comparison, here is a small portion of each photo enlarged: left, 5-megapixel DSC-V1; middle, 6-megapixel DSC-T9; right, 6-megapixel DSC-T9 with steady shot turned on. The side by side comparison doesn’t highlight all of the flaws of the T-9, as the image quality varies with contrast, position on the image, and so forth, but it gives you a flavor for the situation.

It just goes to show me that optics and sensors are as important, if not more important, than your megapixel count if you care about fine detail.
Nonsequiters about cameras aside, this month’s ware is a bit obscure, but I expect that someone will be able to guess it right out by the time the month is up. It’s a fun one, and I enjoyed taking it apart to see what was inside…I had been wondering what it looked like in there for a long time.