Contact bunnie
The best way to reach me is an email to ‘bunnie’ (without the quotes of course). If you can’t figure out which domain the email should be sent to, then there is a high chance that you are a spambot.
If you want to send me an encrypted email, please use this key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: PGP 8.1 mQGiBDwUUjIRBADzkXJNp5prr9qz4JiQ5s4OoOblxga4jCrNjJ7cZoE3jFbuCuaR QnRvq3xQ50A1SK7cxanJNuuzcCar0sZPPete1upiW0GpF/EyeeP8ZAPgeKHreU5d 2sN6ZKHO9wGj29w6IQrnmR4iZu/GZCQuMip0qYlU8V8fgzHFM5eb1FWpgQCg/z9b Dxsim/7iLgxfFe1MpLImU/sEAIjH22Pp0BvozRJ/ZRk7zX1z/J5b7l+xqtPagN7n +U56+cawG4Lmn3h8tW3GY58JVfOvdf6bt0+wHUflGD1HCI3yg8Il75Ap3OBBLD+t V5SCCQ3r9nG9WE4Z3PzQtbGIu7y84P7XY/JBpjdmm39DuRDD4ttHjIG5giMihCWp xYpdA/sGUvtg8VNfJyVPzHmFHgwydQgIQwKGvi11sfoxfp/e3QAFNfdamoAHFCPq nloZOycE1JwlQ7P6/SRs9kTY0PGspzJNkCx933QFtBjnBLxNNbbBwMxcvatFmWgl osecZPLCHevllsTdPRWlWPW3PKgbDSVmB0frd4vqfn6BYlpbrLQcYnVubmllIDxi dW5uaWVAYWx1bS5taXQuZWR1PokATgQQEQIADgUCPBRSMgQLAwIBAhkBAAoJEJaZ owN48Nm5LRgAn0/26LKDRy6HgEhR9ojhjd7oyTHTAKCPeurlHxghUhbHqXuXrLf1 XOYHcohGBBARAgAGBQI8wcq2AAoJEMvYqgGNJ+W1ryIAnivSnW8w9rn9t5B3bBoG k2/5qPReAKCCUApD01/J2P42TAnMO9EAOiog77kCDQQ8FFIyEAgA9kJXtwh/CBdy orrWqULzBej5UxE5T7bxbrlLOCDaAadWoxTpj0BV89AHxstDqZSt90xkhkn4DIO9 ZekX1KHTUPj1WV/cdlJPPT2N286Z4VeSWc39uK50T8X8dryDxUcwYc58yWb/Ffm7 /ZFexwGq01uejaClcjrUGvC/RgBYK+X0iP1YTknbzSC0neSRBzZrM2w4DUUdD3yI sxx8Wy2O9vPJI8BD8KVbGI2Ou1WMuF040zT9fBdXQ6MdGGzeMyEstSr/POGxKUAY EY18hKcKctaGxAMZyAcpesqVDNmWn6vQClCbAkbTCD1mpF1Bn5x8vYlLIhkmuqui XsNV6TILOwACAgf+MqHkQz918o1LSjaU7JDz0uKqRJcjgo/3Cjgm9SgMFG/fC+pV TqvSrgFgumgwyxvBmZlp0CRUvcflZ6Ie7QaF3oGsvPnKvlH4o1tRdfEno+posTGq YGNN3mabW1+weIsiTUGTKChs1nf55n7ZO+2vIyMTp+yLhv6E+0Lfqmp1H0bPiVFb RYneho7pNkmZHAhEchLppWikeEO1QZC8ueRqkWmsfJr+bARrszDbyw2xqJmdxPV5 TMMzE+xeOxMKli2OPKxe3JJfMQLZ+/rD/A6KbnA6QO3CCBEzZ5spMywDfhSgrSJJ PaCNtcgf36kWEyw/TByDryhEZ5IeH13msDV/KokARgQYEQIABgUCPBRSMgAKCRCW maMDePDZucI6AJ42WcT8+lwMJBz3FgJoAjRnyVomAQCfep0e2vo2PfWXt9t8yXlb Nt4Zjs0= =mDP0 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
And this is my fingerprint:
7BAA 2E53 01C1 DCFF 497B E7F0 9699 A303 78F0 D9B9
I now have an updated 4096-bit key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) mQINBFEJ1hUBEACsDGP0EGCk+tBYXsd1tE9RV987QxODehwasmr7BHUETj8tS9rF FbaX57+50F1KR/t4mKPnZ6A7TGbm3G4jvd5dkizusQbVDKzEix00K83utuh7uW1s 6UG7TPD3QJ488aW7YkEdJofKCqfJtHEJJV3K/Adpz4/bOCHPhFb+HUZFvQBgoklo CSfqxP8E5UJhViBtYOAtu2goIobdVgTaJUIoRGVJVcLIdKEjBgnQtBQtzV8AdcdW zVGFPa+19QbtvKgbD4ZS+ufHX7m4iOhXGbICNiUGJrtcxlz3cpLUNp3d7tyHYy4z IuB2nXktZpFDUUw9wq39hgN/tviMnw2VzFD+JoIZp0SjCGiu/0Zh3SiqZ0M4Jzjw 8MHqqfIAflPPyfqvKMtr4199j9mbV12r2kBheyULRPO0m5XDFSBaIzqAU8djCE2l Q7lhF9CU59rBHtiouX9vCxUyfXCN7ebJlaVwBXTR/7m2rfiVEfDJx2AM2kVChoTX kEsjADTzJchLBVIurVgxolmwENjSFN+NZsMN3J3wpApwAfAIinyqjfD5rNQIstmD 4jO7vMPERdWeyaW8BQXrWcAJq2fOxIKLev/7WQbFu3F/nHY9vo53FBoINwpPfxyu ZGk7Z3MM/CFI+OcN1S5F/zGeydMKKKjq6wkXcv/PqFJEJ4fQfJH9aBrWxwARAQAB tCFidW5uaWUgPGJ1bm5pZUBidW5uaWVzdHVkaW9zLmNvbT6JAjkEEwEKACMCGwME CwkHAwUVCgkICwUWAgMBAAIeAQIXgAUCUSz9KQIZAQAKCRCkmRDCz5XfrGJgD/40 Bb1d5mfhn8l+5RybExAew2XM3CrUK3oUAootG1IimYaKYCucUiBPvSDgcrN6FU4H 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And here is the fingerprint:
1328 6102 A3B0 A73C 0267 7F00 A499 10C2 CF95 DFAC
It appears you recently changed the root directory served by your webserver. I observe that your pages no longer start with a /blog/ as part of the absolute path. However, most incoming links, and several links on the side of your blog, still have that portion of the path.
If I manually edit the URL to remove the /blog/ directory from the path, the links work.
I’d suggest you add a symlink of blog/ pointing to . in the server’s root directory, until/unless you feel like adding a rewrite rule to change all the old-style links…
Thanks for the note … it’s an automated script actually from my ISP that’s rate-limiting my blog by deactivating high-CPU time scripts. Working on the issue now…
I am in need of an expert for a product that I am making. I need someone who understands the xbox controller and how to intercept its commands from the main consoul. I athen want to use this command to do other things. For example, when I crash o car on XBOX I want a light or siren in the room to come on
anybody can email me:
Hello. I was wondreing if you could help me to find the answer to an xbox question. I wanted to connect an xbox drive to a regular computer but i’m not sure on how to assemble a patch cable to do so. if I had a schematic that showed pin assinments that could help, but I haven’t found one yet. Second, does the hard drive in the xbox have the operating system (or something like it). Any answers you have would be great.
Most of the links you have at right are no longer valid:
1. Friends
* Karin and Cade’s Cuties!
2. Cool Stuff
*My dream car
3. Chumby
*official chumby developer’s site
Hi Bunnie, congratulations on your new Insignia Autocast! Very cool!
And if you do not mind a technical question about it, which we hope you can answer…
Our Circa-Med app works nicely in test mode on our Chumby — both when we use Chumby online, and also when our free “chrono-cognitive” bio-feedback therapy clock and “circadian meditation” device Circa-Med.swf software is loaded from a USB drive (once the Flash movie’s name is changed to config.swf.)
But while our Circa-Med program works flawlessly and looks superb on our new Autocast when online, we are having a curious problem when loading the config.swf version of Circa-Med.swf into our Autocast from the USB drive. More specifically, while our Autocast beautifully plays the sound portion of our Flash movie, the visual portion of our clock rarely makes an appearance. And when it does, it only stays in view for a couple of seconds and then disappears, after which, it eventually appears for a brief time.
Can you think of any reason(s) why a Flash movie that runs well off a USB drive into a Chumby has the above visual problems on an Autocast?
Warmest regards, Yale
P.S. We very much hope you like our Circa-Med app and its intended uses per a much overlooked and under-appreciated aspect of biology and even chrono-biology!
I’m sorry. :-( Of course, I meant Infocast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before u start reading this, I am not a bot lol. 3+3=6 and i love human :). Anyway, here is what i have to say.
Connecting Webmaster who owns site related to hacking
We have recently started a portal where we are looking to connect all the webmasters who own a website related to hacking. We hope that you will appreciate our efforts and encourage us on this.
How it works is, you submit the links to the tutorials posted on your site. So NOT the entire post but just the links and we will index it on our site. Our visitors would be reading your links and tuts from our site, which will ultimately generate more traffic for you.
Link to our portal –
Link for submission –
Where is the address to email you? I do not know how to use PGP. Sorry
Awesome insight to the USA v. Crippen case. Thank you
I’d like to inquire about doing a sponsored blog post for $25(with a text link back to us) introducing our company OR sending you one of our products to review (I can write the blog post for you if you wish as well.) that you can keep if it’s not too expensive :) on We sell Remote Control Toys (RC Toys) and I thought our products might be a good fit for your readers/visitors. Is this something you’d be open to?
I don’t know how to use this gpg keys, but as I understand it is a way to encrypt your email send to someone.
Do you think is it really secure as you think?
Because I know some data capture softwares catch the emails on the fly, if you are on the same network !
I used to be more than happy to search out this web-site.I needed to thanks in your time for this excellent read!! I undoubtedly having fun with each little little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you blog post.
I would like my name not to show up in the website set up Jailbreaking is not a crime. I support your argument, but I don’t want more exposure to be plastered around the net.
Cool Blog! I stumbled upon it while trying to figure out how to use an FPGA or even a PAL circuit to build an array of simple comparators for linear A/D conversion. My late night idea is to use a state machine to generate look up addresses for sin and cos tables stored in flash eprom. This could give me I Q outputs from a single A/D circuit. I have designed a circuit using discrete transistors as comparatorss with resistor ladders and a voltage ref, but I would like to put the whole thing on a chip, with out going ASIC.
I just don'[t have the funds for that! By day I am a pediatric Oncologist, and by night design soft radio circuits for my Ham station, and radio telescope.
Thanks for the great site!
I want it to be like the xbox on the photo and the wii helmet is not good for a person thinking about justin bieber THE GAY.
I’d love to try my hand at building a case for one of these awesome boards.
I’d also be among the first to sign up if you started a kickstarter.
I REALLY want one of these!
Hey Andrew if you’re the bunnie from MIT. Are you in the states? I’ve hopped over to Montana to practice. Thanks for the book. Saw the little raspberrypi circuit boards and it made me wonder what you were up to these days. If you’re hopping past Yellowstone lemme know- I’m still on alumni web… Neat work on the chumby..
Can you tell me what brand this oscilloscope is?
It’s a Tektronix TDS5104B.
hello sir andrew hoping i can contact you i would like to ask if how to goto huaqianbei im planning to start in Hong Kong to travel to Huaqianbei hoping i can reach you…thanks sir and more power…
Dear Bunny
I am the founder of 12 year old Singapore based elearning company. Recently, we sold our corporate business so we can focus on education as a social enterprise. We aim to reach 5-100-5 by 2017 – i.e., in 5 years, we will be in position to educate 100 million kids in the next 5 years. We are using a blended learning approach and are starting with a pilot in Pakistan. For this purpose, we developed a zigbee based clicker, that works just fine. Next, we want to add a display and flash memory so kids can take homework of 10 multiple choice questions that are re-synched into our adaptive learning engine each day. Sort of a really skinny tablet without even Internet connectivity – must cost US$10 or so. But we are at the limits of our capabilities. Would love to meet you!
I’ve been thinking the identical matter personally recently. Grateful to see an individual on the same wavelength! Nice article.
I need an expert to read the hidden watermarks on poison-pen letters so we can track down the printer. I can subpoena manufacture’s information on printer location after we know the manufacturer and serial number.
Hope all is great. If you get to SD I wld love to link with you. Are you livin in songapore now? If so it is a shame but I do not blame you. Question – I need a phenomenal young developer who could help me build alternative currency on bit coin or another similar platform. I’d be most grateful for any recommendations.. Also, if there are people i ahould speak with to source the right candidate i welcome those thoughts as well. Thank you bunnie very imporatnt to me. Hope to have coffee before long and beat with your OS computer. – Ted
Hi Bunnie,
we’re a startup building hand gesture interfaces for TV and it occurred to us that it would be cool to use your NeTV technology to overlay TV picture with a gesturing feedback. I’d love to hear your thoughts about that.
Hi Bunnie,
I just read your thesis online and found it amazing, and incredibly insightful. Granted, I did have to get my brain around a few things. LOL.
What are you currently working on?
Hi Bunnie,
I like the embedded system very much,
Last year, I saw your blog. And my dream is to make a computer just like the Raspberry Pi. So I’m very happy to see your own computer.
So nice to see your blog!
Not sure if you’ll see this but thought I’d stop by to say hello!
Twas good meeting you, hope the 2nd day at MakerCon wasn’t too bad.
Look forward to that cerulean blue. HAHA.
Have a safe trip back!
Hi Bunnie!
I would like to show you my latest open source hardware project
greetings and keep up the good work,
Hi Bunnie!
I would like to share our DIY cardboard laser piano.
It’s pretty cool.
Someone Reflashed my BIOS and installed malware via Bullguard – times and dates and a shiny SDcard WITH information is helpful – it goes to a fixed area of RAM – so easy to capture. Thought they might backdate.
Is spread by my USB sticks so my Sandisk USB stick uses an ARM CPU which I have LOTS of experience…. so it’s fuzzed and lodged with press among other places… 1337 – a)freedom of speech and b)It may get called the ICR-Virus; famous at last!…. I sent them both to my Bunnie – worth 1 hour of your life that could stop identity theft or your 501 is empty!!!
He told me WHICH ARM and so on, but as people realized – you can now $2700 to learn fuzzing!!!!
I have posted to you….. you might get several since I’ve sent them to folks in the US & EU – error-proofing. I think it will interest you. Comparing Bullguard, I will do and let them know.
Best wishes – the guy who asked if Sandisk JUST use ARM….. I’m also messing with the M0+ to produce ultra-low power utils. A Sandisk with MP3 player, you just need battery & DAC for VERY cheap players.
I came across your website and really enjoyed reading through it. I wanted to see if you were open to guest contributions? I work for and we’re looking to contribute articles about home improvement and decor and think your website would be a great fit!
Here are a couple examples of recent articles our writers have written:
Let me know if you’re interested and we can get started right away!
where is ur email addres?
Quiz question. are there any smaller form factors for flash RAM? Exery USB stick, SDcard and such use the same rectangle with pins along both of the thin ends. I ask because for 1 million Microbits, we need 1 million low-power icroUSB B memory sticks. I’m trying to find someone who does something 1/2 width so the memory stick is the size of an AA battery. If you can find a supplier then I see no reason why it couldn’t be bought from your company because we are keen to use a specific controller. One with a powerful enough CPU to decode MP3 & ACELP. The Cortex A4 has specific instructions but the A3 should be able to manage a fixed point version of both Codecs if run at the same speed as the nRF51822 Bluetooth chip (which also handles USB and ALL the I/O stuff (48MHz), I think that is fast enough. I have a Danish friend who is looking to see if we can use a trick I found here to get up to a theoretical maximum of 10-bit DAC…. but with a tricked-out 3-bit ADPCM (the unused code 100 switches between low & high gain tables.
That’s it really, 1 million micro USB sticks the size of an AA battery that decodes MP3 and ACELP. Last note, Looking at ALL Audible files, there is a 256K table (sometimes a bit smaller) but presuming they have both short-term & long-term vector tables, I suspect that the quality comes from analysis by synthesis and they just keep repeating analysis by synthesis of the whole file, repeatedly looking for the lowest error-rate. All I can tell you is that 3 hours = 150Mb ≈ 14.2Kb/second or <0.5 bits per sample for pure reproduction.
BTW – of course, before anything else – a free MicroBit for you and your friends.
I wondered if you were aware that someone has built a studio effects rack that uses 2x SID chips from the C64. I think they have run out and so the value of these machines is going through the roof.
What even they missed is that, while there were 4 separate bits (noise, triangle, square & sine), some combinations worked together. Triangle and Sine were popular for synth-drum sounds.
It seems that someone TRIED to copy them but got the filters wrong. A single chip that could use ring-modulation between any channel and the next (or the first if it were channel 5) then you could produce a great sound chip. Some C64 demos were even written for people who had put 2 SIDs into their machine.
I think the last thing that was missing is that it COULD play samples using the volume control. This was done on interrupt and wasn’t very good but a good, steady, 4-bit input would also add 2 sample channels giving you 8. I’ve even seen a modified 2-bit ADPCM being used to get twice the amount of samples. Someone even got the whole of Soft Cell’s ‘Tainted Love’ onto the thing. The other thing that impressed me was the (looking back, great for the time) speech by Electronic Speech Systems (the guys behind Speak and Spell. They used all 3 channels for the 3 most fundamental frequencies and added snippets of samples to make it work. Again, presuming it’s off-patent, the SID could use the well-timed samples or even the 6 fundamental frequencies to make the results better. Of course, that would need a converter. Add MIDI and knock them out for $1000 a pop.
Are you willing to go for it?
Hi sir,
I am an electronic engineering student from India who has been following Ben Heck show. Your Novena is mind blowing and I love the whole concept. It is not available in India too. We have a small maker group here and would love to get hands on your open hardware. Is there any way we can get one Novena developer board. We would be very thrilled to get one. I could get an email to you. Thus this comment. We the makers from India hope to hear from you.
Hi Bunnie
I am interested cooperation , please contact us.
So You’re kind of a engineering legend even for those of us that don’t count engineering/electronics as a strong suit.
This is yet another feeble request for an enthusiast project. I’ve got an Intel DQ77KB setup inside my old Xbox 360 and wanted to get the Power board from the xbox functional to the point of being able to start the computer and find a tutorial for an IR Header using LIRC as I’ve got Arch linux installed.
Is there any chance you might be able and willing to assist? It’s worth a hundred bucks to me if possible, but I’m sure you hear these requests all the time. Anyway, let me know if interested or willing to assist.
Hi, we are doing a report on cybersecurity and I’ll love to have an interview with you. Do you think it may be possible? Thanks a lot
I’m interested in designed a technical device along the lines of your collaboration with Snowden. I know you’re probably really busy but do you have a protege or trusted collaborator you’d be willing to recommend?
Is there anyway to contact you privately? I want to ask you a question.
Hi Bunnie,
I’m a film producer working on a film about DNA Hacking and I need a chain of title for the lawyers in the US. In other words, I need to option the blog “DNA Hacks — More Bits per Basepair” published on the 14th December 2006.
Could you help me with this?
Kind regards,
Hey Andrew,
My name is Nathan Atwood, I’m the Partnerships-Manager at TheJvExperts.
I’m contacting you regarding a Sponsored-Post we’d like to publish on your blog.
We’re interested in Content-Partnerships with Quality Blogs in the Technology & Software niches.
The articles we offer are totally Non-Branded & Non-Promotional, instead they will be tailored to your Blog & Needs.
It goes without saying – We’re willing to pay for each Article & Link posted on your blog so it’s not a Free-Loading type of offer :)
NOTE – In case you don’t publish 3rd-Party content that’s ok, as we have alternative partnership options which might interest you.
For instance, we can just pick an existing Text-Link from some old post of yours from past years.
I can also send you Examples of our work from our active Content-Partners.
Please let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you additional details about our offer.
Thank you in advance for your Time & Consideration !
Nathan Atwood
Partnerships Manager
Hey Bunnie,
I might be a future consumer here,
I just finished the compilation of all episodes on youtube. This made me realize that a lot of things I can’t find on amazon, could potentially already exist somewhere in Shenzhen. I just don’t know about it.
See, I have a list of things I would like in my life, things that would simplify my life, but I don’t have the time, will or skill to build them myself!
For example, I noticed that when I am reading from an e-reader or a book and then I get distracted by something; when I come back to it, it takes me ages to find where I stopped. Could there not be a camera able to analyse where I am reading to see approximately where I stopped so it could indicate where to start again? I am dyslexic, so this tasks makes it even harder…
What I am asking is: is there a place where I could ask if a technology I want already exists somewhere? A website where the consumer could ask for something, and wait for the producer to propose it to them if they know where it is OR once they produced it? If several consumers want the same thing, then they could add up, like an online petition. Basically, I would like to let the providers come to me, I am to lazy to go to the providers for difficult requests.
I understand you are not a web designer. I was just wondering if such a website already exist. If not, where could I give all the ideas I have about new products? I am studying medicine you see, so I am happy to give out ideas if that could potentially improve my life or the life of others.
Thanks in advance,
Dilys. From the UK, France and Germany.
Hello ,
I love what you have done with circuit stickers – I am a father to a 7 year old girls – and I feel that circuit stickers can revolutionize STEM DIY. I also launched my own startup ( . I want to work with you and find out how to get every girl to use circuit stickers and drive interest in STEM using arts and crafts. Would love to hear from you !
Hi Andrew.
I am a Engineer from Ecuador South America, I saw your interview in the Wired Documentary on Shenzhen, Nice Job!, It seems to me that you know Shenzhen very well.
I am trying to buy some products from Shenzhen, For start I am looking to buy Laptops, there has appear many dealers that are selling products naming that there products are “originals” like (Apple, Dell, HP etc.), I really don´t know if I can trust them, could you please help me sending me dealers contacts that you trust or know, that sells originals Equipment or good imitations similar or better than the original. It will be very help full.
Sorry to write you in your blog, But I couldn´t find another way to reach you.
Best Regards.
Hi! again, if you have seen my invitation in LinkedIn :D
I am working for after-school academy located in South Korea called Flow Education. I saw documentary from Wired about Shenzhen. It was very well made and I was immediately interested in you and your works.
Currently, we are planning to make a trip to 2017 Shenzhen Maker Faire with 50~100 students, from 5th grades to 9th grades. We are looking for a guest speaker who can inspire for our students about maker culture. It would be the best if you are available, if not is there any guest speaker that you can recommend?
This is our first time planning trip to Shenzhen and Maker Faire, so we have limited resources. We are keep looking to find the best option for our students, so please feel free to contact me and do not hesitate to share your thoughts :)
Thank you!
Dear Bunnie,
We have a 8GB SDHC Industrial Grade Class 6 that is for a Medical Device, We would like to duplicate this SD Card but its not as simple as it looks like.
This SD Card has 3 x FAT32 Partitions which one of these partitions is not readable for PCs. We tried to read that partition by Partition Managers software but those shows 0 bytes in it.
I have no idea, how to duplicate this SD Card and make sure that the data in the third partition gets copy too.
I would appreciate if you can help with your deep understanding of SD Cards.
All the best,
Mr Huang,
We manufacture a respirator fit test machine and have one competitor who utilizes the same technology. We would like to be able to calibrate their instrument as well as our new one to generate additional revenue streams. We are unsure how to get into the instrument to update the calibration date. Is this something we could hire you to assist us with?
Contact bunnie
Do you need a De Nature Indonesian herbal medicine can please contact our customer service directly via SMS or phone. We always online 24 hours to serve the purchase of medicinal herbs de Nature. Tlp/SMS 082 138 338 990 atau 081 8627 081
Hi, i’d like to ask if you do consultations? Thanks
You are my aspiration , I have few web logs and very sporadically run out from to post .
Cooperation Invitation From LCSC Electronics in your blog channel
This Sunny from, an online electronic components store. It is the same company as’m pleasant to meet you via the internet.
While visiting your blog site , we found that you are really good at electronic projects and making those attracting articles posting on it.You are really a very professional engineer .And I thought if we could have a cooperation,if could ,that’s so nice of you.
We just want to send you a quick message to let you know that LCSC can provide electronic components at unbeatable price. We are trying to get this in front of more people who could benefit from it. So if you are interested in our cooperation, we would like to talk more details soon.
I hope my message won’t bother you. If you have any questions related to us, please feel free to contact me by
Sunny Jiang
LCSC Electronics
Our website
Phone: 0086-755-8321-0457
Address: Rm.519-529, F5 Tianjian Building, No.7 Shangbao Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518034, China
Hi andrew,
I’ve dropped you an email at the address above with a very difficult unusual question. I’m hoping you will take the challenge. :)
Thank you so much!
Dear Bunnie,
We will organize a workshop on digitalization and would like to invite you to participate. Hope you can send me an email so that more details can be forwarded.
All the best!
Hello Andrew
A friend at Northwestern University recommended that I contact you about a PCB with a microcontroller (MC705P6ACDWE) is apparently something that might intrigue you, it Looks like this might be right up your alley
Please contact me at the above email address
Thanks, in advance
I wanted to comment on “Name that ware February 2012” (yes, an oldie), but comments are closed.
I’ve got a pair of BBN SafeKeyper Signer boxes that we used in production a while ago, and the inside is similar to the pictures you posted, with a few differences on both pictures/boards.
Picture 1:
– I’ve got the MC68340FE16E version of the CPU
– the main EPROM (below the CPU) is labelled “27860G01 REV:B”
– the other chips with a sticker on them are Atmel AT22V10L-25JC chips on my board (with no UV window, are they EEPROM ones?)
Picture 2:
– next to TP6, I’ve got a big quartz: “VALPEY-FISHER 5.120MHz KOREA VF150 G17A”
– BC8 chip is from a different brand (Semiconductor Circuits, Inc.)
– U1 is filled with a 16V470uF capacitor between pins 10 and 20
– U2 is filled with a 74HC08N
– U26 is filled with another 74HC04N
– the RNG is of a different brand (TUNDRA)
– the “MADE IN JAPAN” is filled with a special chip to perform the RSA/DSA calculations: “CYLINK CY1024AP 14005-001 E9652AH PAT.4891781”
So that’s definitely the base of a BBN SafeKeyper Signer, but somehow you don’t have the crypto accelerator.
The one I opened was manufactured in October 1997, and the model is “SK2 Series”.
Im reading your book, “the hardware hacker”
I dont know much Chinese, but is bunnie meaning “No you”, or “Not you”? or is there some other meaning?
I usually go with 帮您, which roughly translates to “help you”, but some people go with 博拟 which doesn’t mean anything but has nice words in it.
Thanks for the prompt reply, and clarification, you are true to your name.
HI Bunny! I finished reading your book, and thoroughly enjoyed it. On page 276, or was it 271.. anyway, there was a typo. Ill go find it. Anyway, HOPE, hackers on planet earth is coming up in NY, at St. John’s College, July31st- August 2nd. I am inviting you. I’ll be hosting the E&I w/U&Me workshop, for utilizing Electronic Instrumentation, to analyze waves of various natures. I would consider you a Celebrity Guest. The Maine Hacker Club would be happy to have you show up. I have no plans to remunerate you in any way, but I think you might enjoy coming to the HOPE conference. Please consider attending, would would love to see you! Email me if you like.
Hello Bunnie, I’m just a student and this might be a walk in the park for you but here goes. I accidentally overwritten a note on the Notes app on my Mac. It’s 8 months’ worth of work and I really need it back, so I was wondering if you could extract the text from the .storedata file? Many thanks in advance.
Hello Sir Bunnie..
I really want to talk to you about a project I’m currently working on..
It’s a remote access controller for pc devices…But I couldn’t find your email..
I hope I’m not too late
We are a company based at Tbilisi in Georgia and we would like to ask you some questions regarding your services.
If you can call us direclty at +995557055814, it can be more comfortable for us to move forward faster.
Kindly regards, from Georgia
Kokhta Shetekauri
Hi B, just advising you not to call that comment which I suspect is a scammer, I got here by “tracing” him with google, contact me if you want the evidence – i’ll send it with your gpg.
Hi Andrew an Inventor what I am about to tell you if you believe in me could be a game changer in the world. Reason I am contacting you is because I seen you on Click on YouTube and I thought you would be the perfect partner for this. Ok here is the mind blower I have come up with a way of creating renewable energy by a process using just Magnets and another few components now I have contacted magnet companies to understand power of the force pull etc what I’m looking from you is to help me make a prototype of this and this will be worth Multimillions maybe even a nobel prize? Please trust .e this is no wacko contacting you I am from the Republic of Ireland now living in Northern Ireland I’m 46 Wheelchair user. So I wouldn’t waste your time I promise you will be gobsmacked once you see how this works but I need complete secrecy so I can obtain patent . Look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks Paul Meehan
Hello Engr Bunnie Huang,
I am currently writing a research project on anti jamming technology in IOT.
I was hoping to get your opinion and experience on the subject.
I’ve been reading papers about the subject, from different sources online.
But I seriously think I need something from you even if it’s just a paragraph.
I’ll really appreciate this.
What is the full email address to contact Bunnie? I don’t get it.
Has the real-time “attribution problem” been solved? Is it an app held only by government? Or is it available? Nanosecond speeds to track through jumps to the source that is generating bits while the attack is on…have you analyzed such an exploit or no such thing exists. If so do you think government probably has cracked the issue?
Hi Bunnie,
Just reaching out in the hope that you can give me some decent hardware developer contacts in Shenzhen to pull together my patented FSR+RFD pressure sensing device? I had made some progress here in Taiwan where I live but the RFD vendor pulled out due to massive existing RFD backlog orders. We made ‘proof-of-concept’ devices and I have a huge global client wishing to purchase in the hundred’s of thousands.
Appreciate any recommendations on who I might approach. Thanks
Your Chinese-language version interview with CSDN is no longer there. I thought I would find out your Chinese name.
Me Chinese Singaporean once living in Shenzhen. It’s my great misfortune that I did not get to know you while living there.
Does the precursor supports Galileo GPS service?
This Sunny is from, an online electronic components store. Nice to meet you through the Internet.
While visiting your blog site we found that you are very good at electronic projects and publish engaging articles on it. You are really a very professional engineer. I think if we can have a collaboration, if so, it would be nice of you.
We just wanted to send you a quick message to let you know that chimicron can supply electronic components at unbeatable prices. We are working hard to show this to more people who can benefit from it. Therefore, if you are interested in our cooperation, we hope to discuss more details soon.
I hope my message doesn’t bother you. If you have any questions about us, please feel free to contact us at
Contact me Best,
Sunny Jiang
chimicron Electronics
our website
Address: 1208 Overseas Decoration Building, Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
My name is Raffaele and I am passionate about technology, music, anime and manga.
I discovered you on a site, as you were among the collaborators of the XBox Linux Project.
Recently, I’ve been trying to get in touch with the developers of the old XBox Linux Project because:
I have had an XBox Series S since 2021, however, recently I wanted to try to install a PC operating system, in order to take advantage of the XBox Series S as a fixed PC.
I just don’t know much about technology, so I’m trying to turn to someone more experienced than me, to know how feasible it is to install a PC operating system (like Linux Mint or Zorin OS) on an XBox Series X /S.
Finally, I leave you my email to be contacted:
I have an external Portable SSD Drive from SanDisk products/Company, it has been locked by password which I forgot after spending 2 years using an automatic log in, then I has to format/Reset my PC. I urgently need assistance to unlock the drive, as 15 years of work is stored in this only drive without any backup.
I am sure that I know most of the password and that I can prove that the device is mine and I can obtain any necessary legal or administrative documentation if needed.
Kindly I need URGENT HELP and I would appreciate a prompt response.
Can you provide information about the founder or creators of the content on this website?
Hey Andrew! I’m a film producer with Rabbit Foot Entertainment. We’re looking to get in touch with you about a paid project. If you could reach back out I’ll fill you in on the details. Thanks!
Hey Bunnie, I’ve been wanting to contact you via Gmail but searching ‘Bunnie’ yielded no results. I was wondering if you would be willing to be interviewed about the xbox underground? I know you’ve been interviewed on the Darknet diaries podcast but I had a few questions on it. Please let me know if your able too aswell.
Trying to reach Bunnie Huang about a story I am doing on stolen iphones in philadelphia bars that are ending up in Shenzen China. Its a real problem. Can you please respond to me. We’d really appreciate it.
I believe he also has twitter but the DM’s are not active. I suppose the best thing we can do is wait for Bunnie to see the comments on the blog. Wishing he does!