The Ware for August 2013 was an APC Mobile Power Pack, model number UPB10. I bought it several years ago, apparently before they had efficient single-chip solutions for battery packs. One of the nice things about this pack is it provides a “true” 1.6A at 5V output, i.e. it can pump out that current until the battery is depleted, unlike cheaper packs which may be rated for about that much current but can only supply it for short bursts before the internal regulators overheat and shut down. The pack itself serviced me well for years, until the ultrasonic welds that held together the case-halves failed, spilling its guts, and giving us last month’s ware in that process.
Lots of people guessed it was a power pack, but Kevin was the first to call the exact model and make. Congrats, email me for your prize.
Bunnie, after reading this pot it gote thinking about the battery pack I recently bought. It’s rubbish? I hope you don’t mind me asking if you bought a replacement and whether that works just as we’ll with the apc habit being discontinued.
I picked up one of these out of a shopping cart full of them at Fry’s back in the chumby days for $20. Still works although it will sometimes object to taking a full charge. I did lose it under the couch for about a year and found it again so it did get a nice vacation.