Archive for the ‘name that ware’ Category

Name that Ware, January 2022

Monday, January 31st, 2022

The Ware for January 2022 is shown below.

This is another fine ware contributed by jackw01. I’ve cropped it to hide the connectors, which are a dead give-away, but I figure despite the cropping this has a very good chance of being quickly and exactly guessed. I always find this style of ware entertaining by the still-present debug headers and its top-shelf selection of components.

Winner, Name that Ware December 2021

Monday, January 31st, 2022

The Ware for December 2021 was a portion of the main PCB from an Experion Automated Electrophoresis Station. According to Nava (thanks again for the ware!):

So all the high voltage stuff is to drive the electrophoresis, up to 2200V. The idea is rather than running gels this instrument does everything on microfludic chips, these have 16 independent channels, hence the 16 drive voltages.

I’ll give the prize this month to FETguy. I, too, initially thought this was some sort of a piezo driver array, but I did not have the insight to realize that the voltage doublers were incapable of playing that role and ended up chasing a dead end. Thanks for sharing your analysis. Congrats and email me for your prize!

Name that Ware, December 2021

Wednesday, December 29th, 2021

The Ware for December 2021 is shown below:

Thanks to Nava Whiteford for once again contributing another interesting and challenging ware.

Happy holidays to everyone, and may your 2022 be an improvement over 2021!

Winner, Name that Ware November 2021

Wednesday, December 29th, 2021

The Ware for November 2021 is the controller PCB from a late ’80s vintage “Caroling Christmas Bells” set. As described by the contributor: “Basically it’s a string of twelve electromagnetically-actuated brass bells that play christmas songs. These seem to have been quite popular at the time as there’s hundreds of sets for sale on eBay right now. It’s pretty cool to see a novelty product like this implemented using discrete logic chips.”

Thanks again to jackw01 for contributing this seasonal ware!

I haven’t seen the ware myself, but I think Adam Robinson’s description is close enough to me to declare it a winner. Congrats, an email me for your prize!

Name that Ware, November 2021

Monday, November 29th, 2021

The Ware for November 2021 is shown below.

This is another ware from jackw01, and I thought it was fitting for the season (that’s a hint, yes). The posting is a bit early this month because, good news: Precursor production is finally moving ahead! … and so, I may not have sufficient connectivity later this month to post at the usual time.