Archive for the ‘Social’ Category

Caustik’s New Mix

Tuesday, September 11th, 2007

Dayum, Caustik has produced a hot new mix (“APU 003”, a series named after the APU chip in the original 8-bit NES) and it’s posted up on‘s forum…check it out here, awesome stuff!

Nintendo DS vs Girl

Monday, September 10th, 2007

DS 1, Girl 0. Poor Rachel, surrounded by such nerds.

And poor me, I lost that round of Tetris to caustik. And the next round. And the next round…


Thursday, August 30th, 2007

So…hardware geeks will find this just too cool.

I love it! Shout out to Mike Sung for sending me the link.

Your Printer Is Spying on You, Part II

Sunday, July 15th, 2007

Some of you may be aware that the US secret service had ordered that all color laser printers include nearly-invisible yellow tracking dots on every page you print. That’s right–every color page you print is serialized and trackable to the printer it came from. I have a couple of posts on the topic from a while ago.

I just got a note in my email that the Secret Service appeared at someone’s doorstep, harassing them, after they called a printer manufacturer to request that the dots be turned off. That’s ridiculous. You’d expect to hear stories like this about some other goverments overseas. I don’t want my government to harass me when I make a basic request about my privacy, although I’m sure the Post-Patriot act government today could trivially invade my privacy with impunity if they wanted to.

At least, the government should have had the courtesy to let me know they were going to implement such measures. Stopping counterfeits is a good thing but it’s just spooky when the government can release such broad, uncontrolled and unregulated invasions of privacy with enormous potential for unintended consequences, without even the courtesy of a note or a vote. What else are they doing? And now they are putting the thumb down on people for simply inquiring about such activities? This is the path to madness.

At any rate, Mako put together a website ( to help protest the issue. I encourage you to check it out!

Made in China: Scale

Friday, July 13th, 2007

Probably one of the most stunning things about working in China is the sheer scale of the place. I haven’t been to an auto plant in Michigan, or to the Boeing plant in Seattle, but I get the sense that Shenzhen gives both of those locales a run for the money in terms of scale. Shenzhen has 9 million people, and most of them are women (something like 7:1 women to men). Despite the popular wisdom that China has net more males than females, it’s no surprise that the region of Shenzhen has all the women. Once you see the gender ratio of a major factory, such as the New Balance factory below, you’ll understand. The factory employs 40,000 people and has a capacity for over a million shoes a month. I estimate that from raw fabric to finished shoe, the process takes about 50 minutes, or about $1.80 in labor costs.

(Below are some videos, you will need Flash 8 or better to play them…)

[Youtube link for whose who cannot view embedded SWF]

That’s right…everyone of those perfectly stitched bundles of plastic and leather are sewn by hand. You can see a detail of the process below. Each station is designed so that each worker takes about thirty seconds to do their job.

[Youtube link for those who cannot view embedded SWF]

Now, you know you are big when you have your own exit off the freeway:

Foxconn is where all of the iPods and iPhones are made. It’s a huge facility, apparently with over 250,000 employees, and it has its own special free trade status. The entire facility is walled off and you apparently need to have your passport and clear customs to get into the facility…just short of the nuclear-powered robotic dogs from the nation-corporation franchulates of Snowcrash.