Archive for the ‘Social’ Category

Bounty on Microsoft Kinect

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

Adafruit is hosting an “X-prize” style competition where they are offering a $2,000 bounty for anyone who can create an Open-Source driver for the Microsoft Kinect game peripheral (reminds me of MR’s Xbox Linux prize but on a smaller scale). Lots of details about the competition and what Kinect is at this link.

Sounds like a fun project, just wish I had the time!

OSHW v0.4 Definition Released

Saturday, October 9th, 2010

The conclusion of the Open Source Hardware Summit has yielded a new draft definition for open source hardware v0.4 as well as a draft statement of principles. Participate and add your comments here! For your browsing pleasure, Make also has a great collection of perspectives on the new definition.

Sweet Mixes

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Check out caustik’s blog. He’s been posting some sick original mixes there that I’ve been grooving to. Love his stuff, and he’s a very versatile DJ who can craft a good mix out of almost any genre. And he has a post about a bot that can play bejeweled, along with its source code.

Shoutout to my buds in KC

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Just a shoutout to my hacker buds in Kansas City — they have opened a hacker space and their open house is on March 2nd. Congrats! Read more about it at the Cowtown Computer Congress blog and their press release! It sounds like a cool space, it’s in a cave 85 feet below ground level. Speaking of shanzhai…

Akihabara, Cosplay Style

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Recently, I got a tour of Akihabara from Danny Choo, aka the “prince of Akihabara” (yes, for you fashionistas out there, he’s the son of Jimmy Choo). The really special part about this tour is that Danny did cosplay as a storm trooper, while his friend Hector was cosplayed as Darth Vader.

The picture above was from an otaku cafe where the Otagei masters display their moves (for those who are not familiar with Otagei, I’ll hold out for a link to BBtv’s post on this experience, still forthcoming). This cafe was a little unique in that instead of just having girls in maid outfits serve dinner to you, the girls would get on stage and dance and perform to the crowd. The crowd, in turn, danced in a very energetic sort of line-dance that complimented what was happening on stage. In fact, the line between the stage performers and the audience is quite blurry — neither could exist without the other. It was a unique experience where I got to see, and participate as an audience member, in the core of Japanese user generated content. It’s hard to find words to describe the experience — it’s somewhere inbetween a rave and a religious experience, but set in the context of manga culture. Perhaps the most accurate description I can give to it is that it’s an outlet for people with imaginative minds in a conformist culture. The best part about it is that the participants were confident of their behavior — the phrase “dance like nobody is watching” certainly applied here. According to Joi Ito, these people have risen to a keystone position in the Japanese circle of creativity. To western eyes, their behavior is extreme — as evidenced by the western audience’s hesitance to participate in the Otagei dance despite the encouragement of the dance leaders. However, I think that in a conformist culture like the Japanese, to be an individual and to express yourself as one, you need to have very thick skin and you need to be able to hold on to your convictions very strongly. Hence, westerners classify otaku as a fringe culture, but in reality they are actually cultural pioneers who are different, and by necessity they express their difference with great confidence and contrast from the mainstream culture.

I got a chance to slay Darth Vader as well :-)

…and this is what happens when a storm trooper meets a Japanese cosplay maid.

It was actually really fascinating to watch Danny go through Akihabara dressed as a storm trooper, and to see him poke the Japanese in the eye, so to speak. I think the best analogy I have for the experience is that it’s like deriving the impulse response of a black box system. In system theory, one way to characterize an unknown network of electronic circuits is to essentially hit it with a hammer and then see what comes out of the system. Based upon the residues emitted by the system you can draw many important conclusions about what must be inside the unknown network. In this case, normal Japanese society is the black box, and the cognitive dissonance of Danny walking around as a storm trooper is the impulse stimuli. Based on the response of the people, you get to see a unique side of how the Japanese mind works and thus gain some insight into the culture.