chumby hacker boards (now available in beta)

August 30th, 2010

chumby is now offering a “hacker” board, which is the guts of the chumby One, but modified to be more hacker-friendly: it comes with three high speed USB host ports, uses the power connector from the Sony PSP (instead of the weird, hard to find connector on the chumby One) and incorporates a variety of headers, such as Arduino-style shield headers and a 44-pin breakout header that gives you access to a lot of digital I/O and some analog inputs. There’s even a four-directional switch on board and some LEDs so you can do quick hacks that don’t require a video display for user feedback. Speaking of the display, while this board doesn’t come standard with an LCD, it does provide composite video output via a 4-wire 1/8″ jack so you can, by using an iPod video cable, plug the chumby hacker board into any TV that supports a composite video input.

(Photo by Adafruit)

The hacker board is currently being sold through Adafruit and also through Sparkfun as part of a limited-run beta program. The board is priced at around $89. The goal of the beta program is to collect feedback from users who purchase the board to fine-tune the design and to figure out what I/Os and accessories make sense to bundle with the board. Like the Arduino, we don’t integrate a lot of features onto the mainboard itself (keeps base cost low). Instead, we’d like to make sure that adequate I/O resources exist for developers to hack in the peripheral module they require to complete their project — or for more enterprising developers to build their own flavor of peripheral board and sell their own accessory.

There’s a few resources available to get people started on using the boards: a forum for general support and questions, and a wiki containing links to datasheets, schematics, and other more permanent documentation that people will find useful. Adafruit also has available a snazzy hackerboard page with tons of info, well-documented tutorials, and nice photos to boot.

One other point of note about the hacker board is that you can install a native gcc toolchain on it, so you don’t need to configure/install a cross-compiler on your host PC to develop for it. Heck, it’s got a 454 MHz CPU and plenty of disk space, so why not? Adafruit has a tutorial on how to install the compiler using a downloadable self-extracting script and a USB dongle. I’ve also heard rumors that an OpenEmbedded port is coming to the board soon, so stay tuned.

If you do end up purchasing a board and participating in the beta, please do contribute to the fora and wikis with your feedback. As always, happy hacking!

Name that Ware August 2010

August 30th, 2010

The ware for August 2010 is shown below. Click on the photo for a much larger version.

Taking this ware apart was particularly enlightening because I had thought about building one of these myself quite often, and now that I see the insides I realize I had over-complicated my schemes.

Winner, Name that Ware July 2010

August 30th, 2010

The July 2010 ware is the Silicon Cow at Asus (titled with the imaginative name of “2357”, as seen on the name plaque below). Congrats to Marc for guessing it correctly! email me to claim your prize.

I snapped these photos a couple months back when I happened to find myself at Asus HQ in Taipei. The silicon cow is across the lobby from the more famous “Mona Lisa” sculpture that was mentioned in the guesses.

Name that Ware July 2010

July 31st, 2010

The Ware for July 2010 is shown below. Click on the image for a much larger version.

This ware is not a functional ware, but rather a work of art. I’m a little worried this might be too obscure for the competition, but I did a check on google, and the right keywords produced images of this artifact. If it turns out this is too hard to guess, I’ll release some more hints over time.

Winner, Name That Ware June 2010

July 31st, 2010

Thanks to everyone who played last month’s Name That Ware! I was astonished at the number of people who made a huge effort to count all the vias.

Before I announce the winners, I’ll reveal the design stats on the number of vias on the PCB:

144 9-mil vias
1062 10-mil vias
13 13-mil vias
15 162-mil vias [edit: spoonerism! — I meant 162 15-mil vias; the sum with 162 vias yields 1381 (the correct answer), instead of 1234]

For a grand total of 1381 vias. This would make Alex G the winner at 1379 vias. Congrats, email me to claim your prize!