The Immune System of Red Algae vs. Ebola

October 7th, 2009

Saw an article that I found particularly interesting in my perusal of Science this week…”Sugary Achilles’ Heel Raises Hope For Broad-Acting Antiviral Drugs” by Robert F. Service (Science 4 September 2009 325: 1200 [DOI: 10.1126/science.325_1200a]).

I had always wondered how the immune systems of plants and simple creatures worked. Sure, our immune system is adaptive and has all those macrophages and T-cells and B-cells, but would a plant or a lobster do the same thing? Turns out they don’t. I can’t say I really understand how these work, but from what I can tell many organisms have passive immune systems that simply emit toxins and broad-spectrum antiviral compounds to protect themselves when they come under attack by bugs. Innate social behavior is also part of the immune response of certain simple animals; sick ones may instinctively isolate themselves from the group, for example, to prevent the further spread of disease.

Apparently, researchers at the US National Cancer Institute have discovered that red algae emit a compound called griffithsin (GRFT). GRFT targets mannose sugars commonly attached to viral protein particles that are also not commonly attached to human proteins. The article dives a little bit into the mechanism for the specificity, but what I found most interesting were the results of early studies:

For nearly all HIV strains, it takes less than 0.23 billionths of a mole, or nanomoles, of GRFT to inhibit half the viruses in vitro—a standard measure of drug effectiveness known as the compound’s IC50, in which the lower the number the more potent the compound. For SARS, GRFT’s IC50 is about 50 nanomoles, and for Ebola it is 380 nanomoles. That makes all three mannose binders some of the most powerful antivirals around.

In mice infected with SARS, 70% of the animals that received no antivirals died. By contrast, among those that received an intranasal dose of 5 milligrams per kilogram per day of GRFT for 4 days, 100% lived. With mice exposed to Ebola, one of nature’s most lethal viruses, all of the 10 control animals that didn’t receive GRFT died within 12 days. In the five groups of 10 animals that each received different injected doses of GRFT, up to 90% survived. Even when they were injected with the antiviral 2 days after being exposed to Ebola, 30% still lived.

That’s pretty remarkable. It’s also effective against H1N1. Of course, it’s only a matter of time before viruses manage to adapt, but until then this could cure a lot of very sick people. Hurray for red algae!

Name that Ware October 2009

October 7th, 2009

The Ware for this month is shown below. Click on the image for a much larger version.

This ware is a simple circuit board — again one that I just randomly grabbed in the Shenzhen gray markets, so I actually don’t know what phone it’s from. It should be interesting to find out based on people’s guesses. I’m sharing this one with you primarily because it’s a great example of a flex-rigid circuit board construction. In this design, four PCBs are joined together with an embedded laminate flex cable. The flex cable is sandwiched right in the middle of the PCB stack with no connectors or soldering: just the native PCB vias establish connectivity to the cables. This saves on board area and improves signal integrity. It’s a really cool technology and I wish it was a little bit cheaper and more accessible to hobbyists — it can find a lot of uses in tight spots such as those in UAVs, robots, and other mobile devices.

Things are running a little crazy this month with the release of the chumby one coming up. Been wanting to blog about designing and building this one, but I’ve had to save it up until after the device is launched… And, as usual, schematics will be shared for the device. This should be a fun one for the hackers because of its lower price (less anxiety over breaking it), microSD based firmware (no need for a ROM burner or worrying about bricking the device when hacking it, and it uses ext3 instead of cramfs so you can easily remount the rootfs read-write), and the fact that it’s screwed together instead of glued together.

Winner, Name that Ware September 2009

October 7th, 2009

The Ware for September 2009 is an HP5061A cesium beam frequency standard, upgraded with 5061B components and a third-party replacement tube from Datum. Thanks to KE5FX for the ware submission!

As suspected, it was almost entirely guessed the moment it went up. However, I’d have to say overall Brian had the most accurate guess of all. Congrats brian, email me to claim your prize!

And here’s a photo of the ware without all the naughty bits covered up:

Tenori-On Teardown

September 13th, 2009

Joi Ito brought a neat toy to FOO Camp this year — a Tenori-On. The Tenori-On is this very interactive, beautiful piece of hardware created by Toshio Iwai that, to paraphrase his words, creates a “visible music” interface with a shape and sound that fits the player organically, a sort of re-invention of the violin for the digital age. Here’s a neat YouTube demo of the Tenori-On. I had seen this instrument for the first time in a fabulous live performance by Cornelius in Tokyo, and had since lusted for it.

Joi was an amazingly good sport, and let me do what I instinctively want to do when I see a piece of sexy hardware like this — undress it! Thankfully, I always travel with screwdrivers and a camera to capture rare opportunities like this, so I was able to capitalize on the moment. I did get it apart (and put back together again!!), and here are some photos of the innards to share with you. I’ll eventually throw these photos up on ifixit, it’s a better site for sharing teardowns.

(Most images click to reveal a larger version)

Such a pretty face.

Backside view, showing the array of 256 decorative LEDs on the backside. The button sheets are, in this case, dummies used to diffuse the LED light evenly.

The brains of the Tenori-On. Nice piece of work, well laid out (very nice symmetry around all the parts, good isolation of analog and digital), some premium component choices.

Backside of the 256-switch + LED array. There’s a diode at each intersection of the keyboard scan array.

Front side of the 256-switch + LED array that’s behind the active button panel.

The backside of the front bezel, showing the array of buttons. The case is made out of cast Aluminum, which is a pretty expensive technology for a relatively low-run product. Each button is carefully designed to allow for a uniform spreading of the LED light while also allowing for easy pressing of the offset switch.

Thanks again to Joi for letting me open up this baby!

Name That Ware, September 2009

September 9th, 2009

The Ware for September 2009 is shown below. Click on the image for a slightly larger version.

This Ware is again a user-submitted ware. I have a sneaking suspicion that someone out there will guess this one fairly quickly, even though all the naughty bits are obscured in the photo, but I think it’s a neat one because I’ve never seen the insides of one of these before myself.