The Ware for March 2007 is shown below. Click on the picture for a much larger image.
I will be seriously impressed by anyone who can get this one. This was rescued from a discard pile at MIT back when I visited as a pre-frosh in 1992. I wasn’t too big on the campus tours–they were so boring and always showed you the stuff they wanted you to see anyways–so I went out on my own and nosed my way into every EE-related building, sticking my head into labs, offices and lectures unannounced. I eventually wound my way to the Media Lab and naturally I gravitated toward the machine room and let myself in, and found this in a pile of boards to be discarded. The guy there was friendly, told me what it was, and let me take it home and it’s been a prized posession since. It’s not a prototype board; from my understand this was used in a “production” machine. Back then it wasn’t so uncommon to see wire-wrap in a production machine! There’s still an old Symbolics machine hanging out at CSAIL somewhere, I think, that was wirewrapped.