Alphamax LLC now has details of the NeTV2 live, including links to preliminary schematics and PCB source files.
The key features of NeTV2 include:
- mPCIE v2.0 (5Gbps x1 lane) add-in card format
- Support for full 1080p60 video
- Artix-7 FPGA
- FPGA “hack port” breaking out 3x spare GTP transceiver pairs
- 512 MB of DDR3-800 @ 32-bit wide memory for frame buffering
I adopted an add-in card format to allow end users to pick the cost/performance trade-off that suited their application the best. Some users require only a text overlay (NeTV’s original design scenario); but others wanted to blend HD video and 3D graphics, which would require a substantially more powerful and expensive CPU. An add-in card allows users to plug into anything from an economical $60 all-in-one, to a fully loaded gaming machine. The kosagi forum has an open thread for NeTV2 discussion.
As noted previously, we are currently seeking legal clarity on the suite of planned features for the product, including highly requested features such as alpha blending which require access to the descrambled video stream.