Name that Ware July 2012

July 16th, 2012

The ware for July 2012 is shown below.

I was cleaning up the basement of the home where I grew up, and came across some old childhood memories. I figured some of them might make fun wares to guess. Both items shown are from the same machine.

Winner, Name that Ware June 2012

July 16th, 2012

The ware for June 2012 was the control board from a GE PSC23SGPA-SS refrigerator. The part number of the control board is EBX1005G01 / REV N, made by Delphi electronics.

The control board was extracted from a fridge that failed. On the backside, one can see at least part of the cause of failure.

This is the solder joint from one of the larger relays. The joint had failed catastrophically, splattering bits of solder around the board. Replacing the board restored the fridge’s functionality.

All the comments about the complexity of the fridge controller board reminds me of Marvin from the Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to…mind the fridge. Maybe the controller board committed suicide out of boredom.

The winner of last June’s competition is nrp. The link provided is to this exact model of board, but with a different revision. Congrats, email me for your prize!

Name that Ware June 2012

June 23rd, 2012

The Ware for June 2012 is shown below.

Thanks to Yi-Fang for sharing this with me!

Winner, Name that Ware May 2012

June 23rd, 2012

The Ware for May 2012 was a BGA re-balling tool. I picked this one up in Hua Qian Bei for about 80 RMB (~US$12), including stencils, balls, and other accessories. The lady who sold it to me was even nice enough to give me a little training on reballing.

I first encountered this tool being used in a factory to re-ball GDDR5 memory. The factory produced a line of graphics cards, and the memory was being stripped from graphics cards where the GPU failed test and were deemed un-salvageable. Before seeing this, I was under the impression that reballing was an involved process, but with this jig the operator could strip and reball a chip in under a few minutes, which translates to a labor cost of a couple dozen cents. This also explains how so many cheap SoCs end up for sale in the gray market — most of them are extracted from used phones, reballed, and re-packaged into tape and reel and sold as new. Given that a legitimate, brand new reel of these chips has a fair market value equivalent to an entry-level automobile, it’s now easy for me to understand the profit motive behind such efforts.

zyp got the answer very quickly, and is the prize winner, but I’m also giving a second honorary prize to sanjay, for the most entertaining explanation of what BGA reballing is:

BGA is the Ball Gilders Association.

As the name implies, it is a trade association of Ball Gilders. If you have never heard of them before, it is because they cater to a very exclusive clientele comprising some of the most discerning billionaires on this planet (millionaires need not apply).

Gilded Balls are the ultimate bling for a young man in his prime, and guaranteed to make an impact on the exclusive young ladies in your life.

However, the downside is that sometimes a gentleman will awaken after a night of revelry, and find his balls have been stolen.

This is where the reballer comes in. We have an exclusive range of prosthetic balls made of Gutta Percha, which we will install (at no additional cost) for any of our esteemed clients who have been unfortunate enough to have their ball stolen by one of the despicable 99% we happen to (unfortunately) have to share this planet with.

That’s just hilarious. Congrats, email me for your prize.

Leaked In

June 7th, 2012

As many readers already know, Linked In had a password database leak. Since Linked In’s implementation of password hashing didn’t use salt, a variety of methods including rainbow tables and brute force can be used to guess the passwords. There’s even a handy website called that computes the password hash and checks to see if the resulting scrambled password is within the leaked set.

I thought it’d be fun to try to guess some passwords just based on intuition alone, using LeakedIn to check the guesses. Here’s some of the more entertaining passwords that are in the database: ‘obama2012’, ‘Obama2012’, ‘paladin’, ‘linkedinsucks’, ‘fuckyou’, ‘godsaveus’, ‘ihatemyjob’, ‘ihatejews’ (tsk tsk), ‘manson’, ‘starbucks’, ‘qwer1234’, ‘qwerty’, ‘aoeusnth’ (hello fellow dvorak user!), ‘bigtits’ (really?), ‘colbert’, ‘c0lbert’, ‘bieber’, ‘ilovejustin’, ’50cent’, ‘john316’, ‘john3:16’, ‘John3:16’, ‘1cor13’, ‘psalm23’, ‘exodus20’, ‘isiah40’, ‘Matthew6:33’, ‘hebrews11’ (bible verses are quite popular passwords!).

Interestingly, there is no ‘romney2012’ or any variant thereof.